Saturday 1 November 2014


Why should I, in the name of truth,
lament that past which
in passing I craved and rejoiced
in different stages of life?

Boyhood day-dreaming
extreme passion of the youth
success and failure of wish
ups and downs encountered in the race
were not, I feel, individual
but for all, universal.

Yet each one, like me,
has undergone those changes
of the body and of the soul
in one’s short (or long?) span of life,
each tends to feel a pang-
why one did or didn’t, could or couldn’t

Playtimes are for play
love-times are for love
one does not plan ‘what where and why’
should or shouldn’t drop in on the fray
things do happen, why is unknown      
they come up willy-nilly, automatically.

If that be so, there couldn’t be erring
what happened was unavoidable thing
each event was right, and thus contextual
if same has not happened, something else has happened to all

Despite this truth, at certain times
in all stages of life, a pang
keeps knocking those soft spots
of the mind as elbow knocks the wood
to remind the present-self
that more in the past was regrettable.

I of the past was a different I
the past-I has become an alien
I of the present loathes, despises that I
it hates most part of that I
rues, goads and laments that I.

The present-I that laments the past
will, nevertheless, lament this present
on the days ahead, until the death
the process of hating the self will persist
till the sense keeps working,
or one doesn’t stop breathing.

Each outside smiling façade
hides a tormenting thought inside
not transparent, but opaque in each man
hiding keeps on, keeps going on
and the soul leaves the body with that hiding

Man, a miserable thief
steals, regrets and steals
differently in different times
present theft is just, past unjust
but all thefts are to be stored
in layers, in stakes-to be rued upon

Each one does the same,
each one hides the same,
pretending that no one knows it
assuming it a personal secret
somehow the veil is working
somehow the known is unknown thing.

With this truth, I hereby declare-
whatever I did in the past was fair
in each stage of time and context
I did what was right and earnest
to me what others do is transparent
all are same, none different.

Like everyone I also hide
some part of past always inside
to suit social norms and guidelines
as silently agreed upon confines
but lament? No I will none

If man is human I am the one.

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